Hi everyone!
I´m starting with a new flash proyect, apart of Wrath of Shadow now I´m starting with a flash serie based on Arnór´s story"Sandhog Cronicles".
The movie will be divided in the same number of chapters of SC season 1, there will be two versions, one drawed in flash and the other with sprites, the drawed one will be the first because the sprites hasn´t been done sadly.
But I presume it maybe will be finished before September starts (I hope)
For this I need some good voice actors, I´m mading a flash movie based in a story called "Sandhog Cronicles" and it will need some voice actors.
In total I need 7 voice actors:
One who can do a voice of a boy 4 years old.
One who can do a voice of a boy 12 years old
One who can do a voice of a grandmother
One who can do a voice of an adult woman
One who can do a voice of a little girl
One who can do a voice of an evil cientific (not too old)
Plz before choosing, send me your voice to this mail: moncada2708@hotmail.com
Thanks for reading
jajaja sucker she sandhog jajaja really this are good name