This is wrong!!!
Zero shold had to win! he is a lot better than link and he inflicted more damge in the firsta part, A LOT MORE!!!
Anyway, great movie :D
This is wrong!!!
Zero shold had to win! he is a lot better than link and he inflicted more damge in the firsta part, A LOT MORE!!!
Anyway, great movie :D
Your friend Shi-Gu
Ok, you know I can't talk spanish on the reviews, and I´ll try to write the most prefessional review I can:
the plot was excelent, I must asume it is better than my movies at the point I am.
The story line was incredibly awesome and I can´t wait to see how this could finish
The sound effects were great, I don't know why everyone made negative comments about that, I loved it
The voice acting was very good, you talk better english than me (a lot) I write ok but my talk is HORRIBLE!!! (you know ^^;)
The sprites were great animated (but I think bowser from m&lSS is better)
Virus sprites was very good, better than much other sprites custom maded from non existencial characters and the poses and moves were that good that someone could think it came from a game
The music was great, I like some songs there I will search for them ;)
The backgrounds were great too, I can´t find good backgrounds easily, it took a lot of time to found some decent ones.
Special effect were ok, but knowing you and your art skills, you could make some SHINY special effect in photoshop and they would be much better, (explosions are ok if you want)
Well, I can´t think in something else to say, so, this is the end of my review
Voted 5/5 and rated 10/10
Good luck with it and hope you get in collections or portal history, I loved it and hope you keep up :D
gracias hermano :3 espero ser reconocido con esto
Yes, I love it! Goku kick ass! even superman´s!
I´m with you dude!
Let´s blam those f**cking clocks!
I´m just without words, I think I never watched something better in my life, even here in newgrounds or tv :|
YOU ARE THE BEST!!! *happy tears*
Your use of sprites are pro!
The animation and all was great and if your battles are as good as your animation, this could kick SMBZ´s ass easily!
keep up, I can´t wait until episode 2!
wow, this really is a GOOD mivie, even for clock crew
This can´t be your second flash ever!
So good for being starter, even I can´t do that!
haha yea there have been 1 or 2 odd people that don't believe it
I guess I have a small amount of experience in all other areas which adds up to being good at this?
Never animated before - but I just finished doing A level Art (drawing) and MediaStudies (camera) and I do Taekwondo (movement) I guess I make a good animating 'starter pack '
Graphics are amazing and the animation too, but this have nothing to watch, plz do a better work, make a story or longer
To my favorites!
The best anime intro I´ve seen here on newgrounds, great job!
If this will become a real anime, I´ll never lose any episode ;)
thanks ^_^!! I'm glad you like it
Mysticism of a Hopeless Atheist - Developement of an Obsession - Mexican animator & artist.
Currently working on my graphic novel "Codex Black"
Age 30, Male
Mexico City
Joined on 11/14/06