Mysticism of a Hopeless Atheist - Developement of an Obsession - Mexican animator & artist.
Currently working on my graphic novel "Codex Black"

Camilo Moncada @Shi-Gu

Age 30, Male


Mexico City

Joined on 11/14/06

Exp Points:
4,008 / 4,010
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Vote Power:
6.14 votes
Portal Security
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Shi-Gu's News

Posted by Shi-Gu - November 3rd, 2008

Well, I had terribly bad notes in school, my parents are very dissapointed.... actually mad at me, so of course I had my punishment... you can guess what is it right? Well, I'm afraid I won't be here... no, not just here, I won't be in the internet and my computer until January, I know it's sad, no more WOS or anything else..... but that's life, farewell...

Posted by Shi-Gu - October 3rd, 2008


I have submited my first flash for October, Phantom Forest! wich you can now see in the portal here!
Phantom Forest on Newgrounds
Phantom Forest on DeviantART
Phantom Forest on Youtube (there is no easter egg in youtube version)

Review wisely and vote fairly please

Phantom Forest

Posted by Shi-Gu - August 14th, 2008

Hello Wrath of Shadow fans and people who are just wandering around here, well, finnally:
Wrath of Shadow episode 7: Nightmare in Dreamland is in newgrounds portal and for your long wait I think this episode is worth it (just wait to see ep. 8!)
it took me three days and I spent a lot of time in it, now I hope you enjoy it as much as I do WOS ep.7

Vote five and leave a review, I will be answering questions in this post, PMs and reviews so if you have any questions let me know.

I hope you like it!

Wrath of Shadow Episode 7: Nightmare in Dreamland

Posted by Shi-Gu - June 17th, 2008

Hello, I will go straigh to the point, I want to have a cyndaquil in my Diamond version because Thyplosion is one of my favorite Pokemons but I just discovered the only way to get one is completing the Hoenn dex, but it's not enough with just see all 200 pokemon, I NEED TO CATCH THEM!!!
It could take me even years while I find someone with the saphire version to trade me Lunatone or just finding Feebas, so I though someone really kind in the internet could trade it for me via wi-fi in my diamond, so that's the request, it doesn't matter if it was generated with a gameshark or something, I'm going to breed it with a Deetto anyway...

My friend code is: 4854 5435 1165

And my character's name is Shi-Gu, if you want to trade it with me just tell me before leaving a comment in this post or with a PM please, also, tell me wich Pokemon do you want and I will try to get it in all ways.

Please Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Owners!!!

Posted by Shi-Gu - June 11th, 2008

Hello Everyone!
I'm proud to tell you that my newest flash animation: "A Bread's Life" is finnally here in Newgrounds and deviantART, I'm very happy with the results and I would like to read what you think about it, and Vote Five!



A Bread's Life Finnally Here!!!

Posted by Shi-Gu - May 10th, 2008

Hello there!
Super Awesome Forum!!!
Well, this is suppose to be the main notice of the whole journal, yeah, as you may assume by the title I have now MY OWN FORUM!!! and it will be awesome! It is a forum supposed to be dedicated to Wrath of Shadow, my sprite series here, but it is not only about it, it is a lot bigger, here is the link: http://www.atfreeforum.com/shigu/ , let me explain what does the forum contains:

God's Sanctuary
Well, this is a little part of the forum dedicated to the Web Master (me) and the moderators, well, it can look like something exaggerated but it is ok for me...
This is a section where normal users must access to get permissions from me or the moderators, or even Really Important Questions
The Gods of the sanctuary are:

Shi-Gu! The Web Master!

SkoolCool! Moderator!

Sucker the Sandhog! Moderator!

Val the Hedgehog! Moderator!

These are the people who have the control and the powers to keep order in the forum so don't piss them off Including me ¬¬

Wrath of Shadow
This is a place where you must ask some things about the series to me, or even give ideas but I don't guarantee them to pass through the episodes, this is just a little section so it will be only used to talk to me

User Discuss
Ok, here you can talk with your friends or other fans of the series about the episodes, your favourite characters, your dislikes or even organize to create a club, then you could go to God's sanctuary and ask me to do a special forum with password just for the members of the club, you know, stuff like that...

Yeah! Contests! Here I will post contests related to Wrath of Shadow, it could be art contest, animation contests or even writing contests, it would be fun and if you win you will earn some respect in the forum, you can even post contests but with permission of a moderator in God's Sanctuary.

This is a section dedicated to my DeviantART account, I will post updates, new projects and almost everything I upload here like journals, but you can also talk about your deviantART account if you have one like SkoolCool did

Other Animations
This place is dedicated to my other flash animations that are not related to Wrath of Shadow, I will post updates, new projects, and answer questions, but only my animations, there is another section where you can promote yourself but not here

Here you can give ideas, questions and look for help with the forum, this is the place to post your problems, not God's sanctuary, here any moderator will try to answer you or in a special matter I will do it myself

Own Work
Ok, here is the correct section to promote your flash movies, you can post a link to your animations or make polls to get ideas, promote yourself and get launched to the fame!
But be sure that it is your work or I will eat you!
Sprite movies ARE allowed

Here you can announce your favourite flash movies from the whole internet, "I like SMBZ!" then post it here! But you must give credit to the author and put a link to the episode or the artist's web

Flash Help
You know how to use flash but... Need a voice actor? Asking where to download certain program? Looking for a flash partner to do a duo? Post your needs here! You may find one someday

Talk about your favourite Videogames, cheats, help or your own reviews! This is a forum almost free of posting rules!

You like Anime? Cartoons? Reality Shows? Or you just like to announce a movie? Well, here you can post anything you want about your favourite TV programs or say what you feel about the programs you hate, just stay cool and don't bother users

Ok, post ANYTHING you want about any theme, movies, sports, etc...
Post whatever you want, just be decent and obey all the rules, don't think that just because it is a forum free of theme you can do anything you want, remember there are moderators

Español para Hispanos / Spanish
Esta es una pequeña sección en español creada a petición de :devskoolcool: para que la gente que habla español pueda abrirse libremente en su propio idioma, pero esta es la única excepción que haré, lo siento pero no habrá foro en japonés o chino

Tose are all the sections of the forum right now... WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? register now! http://www.atfreeforum.com/shigu/

We hope this will become a big place for people to hang out and be happy!

That is all for now... have a nice day!<a

Posted by Shi-Gu - April 28th, 2008

Well, it is abit late to say but as you may know Wrath of Shadow episode 6 part two: the infected emerald has been released in flash portal so every WOS fan can watch it now.

Now, for those who are desperate to see episode 7, it may take some time, first I need to animate sprites again because I'm going to introduce a new world and there might appear new characters, also, this is for that people who are disapointed with Shadow's ausence during Megaman Zero episodes, Shadow is still with eggman waiting for the dimensional machine, that is why he couldn't appear during episode 6 part 1 and 2, but no worries, episode 7 and maybe 8 will be pure Shadow action along with a temporary new little hero, guess who is him?

Well, I can't tell you more about episode 7 because I might ruin the story for you so look forward for it, and maybe you will hgave to wait the usually two months that take me to do Wrath of Shadow episodes.

This is Shi-Gu reporting, see ya later!

Wrath of Shadow episode six and some news

Posted by Shi-Gu - April 12th, 2008

IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU SIGN HERE!!! -------> http://www.petitiononline.com/dAvsOW/p etition.html

If this law is aproved I swear for everything I belive in that I will send a FUCKING atomic bomb to the white house or wathever is the place the law is proposed and I will kill every survivor who voted for this with a gun un the midle of the head and I will have NO MERCY!!!

Posted by Shi-Gu - March 31st, 2008

Finnally I released it here on newgrounds!!!



Posted by Shi-Gu - March 11th, 2008

Hi Wrath of Shadow fans, you are asking so much for episode six and I just can't answer the same to everyone, the reason of why is taking so much is this:
As you might know my computer was stolen with all the episodes in it, thank to my uncle I got the swf. of all my flashes back, but not the fla. file, and normally every episode takes like two months because when I finish one, I take my time to rest and when I get inspired I start with the next one, but this time I have a new computer so all the time I'm taking is just to animate every single sprite again and it is the most boring thing in world so I hope you understand why this is taking so freaking long, I also have to gather my sound effects again along with my special effects, so I hope all of you become patient...
Well, finnally I maged to finish all those damn sprites and now I'm prepared to begin animating the episode so I hope I can upload it to newgrounds before April reaches here, so even if I'm starting with it (again) BE PATIENT!!!

Wrath of Shadow [EDIT]